Kingdom Life Assembly
Kingdom Life Assembly is a Messianic, Torah-Based, Ruach-Filled body of individuals that believe in Yahuah and His Full Word. We honor Yahuah by loving and serving His people. Kingdom Life deems we should be open to hearing, preparing, and acting on Yah's Word that speaks to us for such a time as this. We are living in the prophetic end times. As a result, we are working with international organizations to bring the diaspora back together according to Ezekiel 37:19.
Furthermore, we believe that Yahuah will gather all of Yashar'el and Yahudah from the four corners of the earth, according to Isaiah 11:12. Keeping the commandments of Yahuah, under the covenant of the Elohiym of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is where we reside.
The future missions of Kingdom Life Assembly consists of humanitarian efforts on the continent of Africa. This includes providing sustainable food, clothing, and housing programs in rural villages. Our mission also includes providing clean water and solar energy to entire regions, teaching leadership and entreprenuership to men, women, and children of underserved areas, and spreading the message of the love of our Elohiym.
Kingdom Life Assembly also believes that by acquiring local lands and building homesteads and communities we can provide safe havens for Yahuah's displaced people during economic downturns and increased homelessness. Feel free to supoort our efforts by donating your time and resources. "יהוה bless you and guard you; יהוה make His face shine upon you, and show favour to you; יהוה lift up His face upon you, and give you shalom."