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"But you are a chosen generation, a set-apart nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9 

Shop with a Brew

Feast of Dedication Fellowship & Vending Event

Enjoy a live video shoot featuring Makellow as he performs to his hit song,

“Shop with a Brew”

Join us for this unforgettable
celebration of exceptional talents!

This amazing event is bringing together Set-Apart business owners, Set-Apart lyrical artists, and community members all under one roof in a festive and ruach-filled atmosphere.

Admission is Free!

December 25, 2024

5:00pm - 10:00pm

Midwest Leak Studio
5860 Michigan Road  |  Indianapolis, IN 46228

Shop with a Brew. Yeah! Yeah!

Vending Opportunites are available.



  • Vending Pre-registration is REQUIRED.

  • NO FOOD VENDORS (Snack vendors only)

  • Includes (1) 6'-8' rectangular table, (2) chairs

  • Vendors must provide their own table covers & props

  • IMPORTANT: Registration is through EventBrite. When registering, please ensure that our date of : DECEMBER 25 is highlighted.

family Friendly Event.  Be Responsible.

Teruah Fest 2024

Concert Video is Now Available!  

Couldn’t make it to Teruah Fest this year?


Or just want to relive the unforgettable moments?  


We’ve got you covered! ​

Our official Teruah Fest 2024 Concert

video is now available for viewing exclusively on YouTube.​

Why a Donation?

Your support helps us continue to ensure future events are just as amazing. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.

*You must use a desktop or laptop

computer to request link on next page.​

About Kingdom Life Assembly

Kingdom Life Assembly is a Messianic, Torah-Based, Ruach-Filled body of individuals that believe in Yahuah and His Full Word. We honor Yahuah by loving and serving His people.  Kingdom Life deems we should be open to hearing, preparing, and acting on Yah's Word that speaks to us for such a time as this. We are living in the prophetic end times. As a result, we are working with international organizations to bring the diaspora back together according to Ezekiel 37:19.

Our Gatherings


Feel free to join us for any of our gatherings.  We are a Yah fearing Assembly, committed to keeping the Laws and commandments.  We also honor Yahuah by remebering the 7th Day Shabbat & His Feast Days. There's opportunity for you to do the same at Kingdom Life Assembly.  

“Give, and it shall be given to you. A good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over shall be put into your lap. For with the same measure with which you measure, it shall be measured back to you.”  ~ Luke 6:38

Please consider donating to Kingdom Life Assembly.  Be a part of our mission to awaken Yah's people and bring them back into the fold.  We are doing just that!   

We are also assisting the diaspora to return home, preparing Yah's people for natural disasters, and giving to those without means.  Your donaton, great or small, will allow us to continue!  Todah in advance.   

Terumah Giving

Thank you for your donation!

Scan here to donate via CashApp.png


"I love Kingdom Life Assembly because we are not an ordinary assembly.  We dwell together in unity according to Tehillim 133:1"    

~ Yedidiyah Ben Yisrael

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